Can I Resume Normal Activities After Knee Replacement Surgery?

Picture of a woman walking on a trail.If you’re considering a knee replacement, you may be wondering what you can expect in the days and weeks following surgery. What will your recovery timeline look like, and how soon can you get back to your normal routine?

The answer depends on numerous factors—for example, your overall health, the type of knee replacement procedure you undergo, and the type of activities you want to engage in—and it’s important to carefully follow any instructions you receive from your surgeon. With that said, patients are often able to resume many of their normal activities within two to three months after surgery.

How Long Does It Take to Start Walking?

Your treatment team will probably help you get out of bed and start walking shortly after your spinal anesthesia wears off. However, you’ll likely need to use crutches, a walker, or a cane for about six weeks following surgery. To minimize your risk of trips and falls, you should proactively rearrange your furniture to create wider pathways, remove any rugs, and secure any loose cords. You may also want to install grab bars, a raised toilet seat, and a shower chair in your bathroom. And if you have a multiple-story home, you should create a bedroom area on the ground level to spare you from having to climb stairs.

How to Speed Up Your Healing Process

It’s important not to rush back into your normal activities before you’re ready—doing so could end up having a negative effect, increasing your risk of complications and extending your recovery period. But there are certain steps you can take to support your healing process. With your surgeon’s approval, you should:

  • Stay active, but take care to not overexert yourself.
  • Get up and move around for at least five minutes each hour to lower your risk of developing a blood clot.
  • Attend physical therapy/rehabilitation sessions and complete the recommended at-home exercises.
  • Avoid high-impact activities that place excessive stress on your knees (e.g., jogging and jumping).
  • Elevate your leg and apply an ice pack to reduce swelling, as needed.
  • Avoid kneeling, twisting your knee, and crossing your legs.

Your Choice for Knee Replacement Surgery in Tampa Bay

If your knee pain is impacting your quality of life and conservative treatment methods haven’t provided sufficient relief, you may be a candidate for knee replacement surgery. Fortunately, if you’re in Tampa, Florida, or the surrounding area, you can entrust your care to Tampa Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group, a division of Florida Medical Clinic. We have extensive experience performing knee replacements, and we use innovative technologies such as the Stryker® Triathlon implant system to help patients achieve the best possible results.

Contact Tampa Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group today to request a consultation with one of the skilled professionals on our team. If we determine that you could benefit from a knee replacement, we’ll walk you through exactly what the procedure will entail and what you can expect during the recovery period.