How Long Do Stem Cell Injections Last?

How Long Do Stem Cell Injections Last?Stem cell injections are an innovation in orthopedic treatment that may help some patients delay or avoid the need for surgery. If you are considering stem cell injection therapy to address pain from arthritis, a soft tissue injury, or another musculoskeletal condition, you may be wondering how long the effects of treatment will last.

The answer to this question will depend on a variety of factors, including your specific condition and where you are receiving the injection. No two patients are the same, and the longevity and success of treatment will vary on a case by case basis. Still, stem cell injections can potentially provide relief for up to one year. Some patients report the effects of treatment lasting for several years.

How Do Stem Cell Injections Work?

A form of regenerative medicine, stem cell injections work by leveraging the restorative abilities of stem cells to promote and accelerate healing around injured joints and tissues. Stem cells are rich in regenerative growth factors, which power the body’s healing processes and help reduce inflammation.

Stem cell injections can be administered in an office setting and are associated with minimal discomfort. Here’s a brief overview of what the procedure entails:

  • Stem cells are taken from the patient’s own bone marrow or adipose tissue. Stem cells may also be sourced from the amniotic fluid of elective C-section births.
  • The stem cells are then processed and concentrated in a machine called a centrifuge to increase their potency.
  • The stem cell injection is administered into the injured area, often around the knee, hip, or shoulder. A local anesthetic is used to reduce any discomfort.
  • The patient is able to leave immediately following the procedure.

The effects of stem cell therapy are not immediate—it may take a few weeks for patients to begin noticing an improvement in their comfort and mobility. While stem cell injections deliver positive results in many cases, it is not always successful nor appropriate for every patient.

Stem Cell Injection Therapy at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine

Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group—a division of Florida Medical Clinic and the longest-operating orthopedic practice in the Tampa area—offers stem cell injection therapy and other progressive treatment options. Our center is led by orthopedic sports medicine surgeon Dr. Daniel Murphy and sports medicine physician Dr. Arnold Ramirez. Working together with other specially trained clinicians, our board-certified specialists merge compassionate care with leading-edge therapies to achieve the best possible results for our patients, who range from young athletes to active seniors.

If you are interested in learning more about the potential benefits of stem cell therapy and whether or not this treatment is right for you, schedule an appointment at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group today. One of our friendly professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to helping you overcome your pain and achieve your best quality of life.