Is Knee Osteoarthritis Curable?   

Knee osteoarthritis is a very common condition that can cause disruptive joint pain and limited mobility in older adults. The most widespread form of arthritis, osteoarthritis affects more than 32 million Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). So, here’s the big question—can knee osteoarthritis be cured?

Despite the wonders of modern medicine, knee osteoarthritis is not considered to be “curable.” Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease characterized by the wearing away of cushioning joint cartilage—and once this cartilage is gone, it’s gone for good. Still, people with osteoarthritis aren’t doomed to a life of severe joint pain. With the right combination of treatments and lifestyle choices, the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis can be effectively managed and even improved.

How Is Knee Osteoarthritis Treated?

Knee osteoarthritis treatment focuses on slowing disease progression, preserving joint health, and reducing uncomfortable symptoms. In most cases, treatment begins with conservative measures and healthy lifestyle choices. Many patients benefit from a combination of:

  • Low-impact exercise, such as walking in comfortable shoes and swimming
  • Losing excess weight
  • Quitting smoking
  • Physical therapy
  • Medications, including pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Supportive devices, such as knee braces and walking aids
  • Injection therapies

These nonsurgical approaches are highly effective for many people with knee osteoarthritis. However, individuals with advanced joint deterioration may not experience adequate pain relief through these measures. In such instances, surgery to replace the knee joint may be recommended.

Surgery for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee replacement surgery (knee arthroplasty) is typically recommended only for patients who experience severe, disruptive knee pain that does not improve with conservative treatment. During this procedure, damaged or worn components of the knee joint are removed and replaced with metal implants, or prostheses, to restore comfortable and fluid joint motion. Knee replacement surgery is associated with high success rates and can significantly improve quality of life for many people with advanced-stage osteoarthritis.

Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group

A full spectrum of treatment for knee osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis is available at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group. A division of Florida Medical Clinic, our orthopedic practice is led by board-certified specialists who provide friendly, patient-centric service to individuals with a wide array of musculoskeletal issues.

Arthritis patients at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group can benefit from progressive treatment options such as stem cell therapy, PRP injections, and viscosupplementation. Our team includes Dr. Daniel Murphy—a board-certified orthopedic sports medicine surgeon who routinely performs knee replacement procedures using the innovative Stryker® Triathalon implant system.

Relief from knee osteoarthritis is closer than you may think! Contact Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group today to schedule an appointment with a specialist on our team. We accept most health insurance plans, including Medicare, and are conveniently located in South Tampa. We look forward to helping you achieve your best orthopedic health!