Platelet Rich Plasma Injection at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group  

Platelet Rich Plasma Injection at Tampa Platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection therapy has helped many patients delay or avoid the need for orthopedic surgery. If you’d like to consult with a board-certified orthopedic or sports medicine physician about this innovative form of regenerative medicine, turn to Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group. A division of Florida Medical Clinic, our practice is the longest-running orthopedic center in the Tampa area and a leading provider of musculoskeletal care.

How does platelet rich plasma injection work?

Platelet rich plasma injection helps stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms by injecting growth factor-rich blood cells directly into the injured joint or damaged tissue. The treatment process is relatively simple; here’s how it works:

  • A small blood sample is taken from the patient.
  • The sample is processed to separate the growth factor-rich cells from other blood components and concentrated in a process known as centrifugation.
  • The concentrated cells are then injected into the patient’s damaged tissue, sometimes with an anesthetic to help numb pain.

Because platelet rich plasma injection uses the patient’s own blood cells, it is considered a safe, natural, and drug-free orthopedic treatment. Platelet rich plasma injection may also be used in combination with other conservative approaches like physical therapy or bracing to help achieve optimal results for patients with tendinitis, ligament tears, and muscle injuries.

Consult with a specialist today

Contact Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group today to schedule an appointment and learn if you are a candidate for platelet rich plasma injection. In addition to PRP therapy, our practice also offers stem cell therapy, viscosupplementation, and other advanced treatments to help ensure patients can get back on the move as quickly and safely as possible.