Tennis Shoulder Treatment for Patients in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg & Surrounding Areas

tennis shoulder treatmentTennis shoulder treatment for patients in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, and all of the surrounding areas is available at Tampa Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group. Our highly skilled team of Board-certified doctors can evaluate your sports injury and determine a course of treatment that is most likely to get you off the sidelines and back in the game. Whether you play professional tennis, are a collegiate athlete, or simply like to hit the courts on weekends, living with shoulder discomfort is simply not an option. You owe it to yourself and your body to get effective, professional tennis shoulder treatment from experienced sports medicine experts.

A tennis shoulder injury can be caused by the repeated amount of stress that is exerted on the shoulder due to serving and other tennis strokes. Overuse injuries like tennis shoulder, bursitis, and rotator cuff strains can usually be treated with a nonsurgical shoulder treatment like pharmacological therapy, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory injections, and viscosupplementation. In severe cases, shoulder arthroscopy may be necessary to repair labral tears or rotator cuff tears.

Signs that you may require tennis shoulder treatment include:

  • Pain or soreness in the shoulder during or after a match
  • Shoulder instability or weakness
  • “Dead arm” syndrome, which is a feeling that your arm is too heavy to lift
  • A popping or grinding sensation in the shoulder joint
  • Numbness or tingling that radiates down the arm

To learn more about your options for tennis shoulder treatment from the Board-certified doctors at Tampa Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Group, please contact our clinic today. We proudly serve patients in South Tampa, New Tampa, Westchase, Brandon, Riverview, Oldsmar, and beyond.