What Are the Most Common Soccer Injuries?

Soccer Injuries Tampa, FLWhen thinking of contact sports, soccer may not be the first example to pop in your head. Nevertheless, playing soccer requires significant physical activity and athletic ability, in addition to plenty of stamina and toughness. If you play soccer, it’s important to be mindful of potential injuries and actively take steps to avoid them.

Common Soccer Injuries to Watch Out For

Soccer players are vulnerable to several sports injuries. Here are a few of the most common:

Sprains & Strains

A sprain occurs when a ligament is overstretched or torn. A strain, on the other hand, happens when a muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn. No matter if you have a sprain or a strain, this sort of injury can be downright painful and keep you sidelined for several days, weeks, or months at a time. Some of the most common sprains and strains affecting soccer players include:

  • Ankle sprains
  • Knee sprains
  • Calf strains
  • Groin pulls

Bone Fractures

While it’s very possible to sustain a moderate or severe bone fracture (broken bone) while playing soccer, many athletes develop stress fractures—slight cracks or significant bruising in a bone that gradually forms as a result of overuse or frequent impacts. Commonly seen broken bones in soccer players include:

  • Foot fractures
  • Clavicle fractures
  • Wrist fractures

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soccer players place immense strain on their lower bodies and frequently perform high-impact motions like sprints, kicks, sudden stops, and pivots. These movements affect complex joints such as the knees and ankles and can result in soft tissue injuries such as:

  • Meniscus tears
  • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears (a common type of knee sprain among athletes)
  • Achilles tendon ruptures

Inflammatory Conditions

In addition to sudden injuries like ankle sprains and torn ligaments, playing soccer or any other sport can contribute to inflammatory conditions that are linked to overuse or years of wear and tear. Common examples of these injuries among soccer players include:

  • Tendonitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Kneecap bursitis

How to Prevent Soccer Injuries

It’s impossible to definitively prevent injuries while playing soccer or any other sport, but there are several easy steps you can take to stay healthy and in the game. For example, you should:

  • Hydrate and stretch for at least 30 minutes prior to playing
  • Wear properly fitting cleats and protective gear, such as shin guards and knee pads
  • Check the field for potential hazards like puddles, divots, and debris before playing
  • Avoid playing in bad weather
  • Listen to your body and take breaks as you need them

Soccer Injury Treatment at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine

Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group—a division of Florida Medical Group and a trusted local sports medicine provider—is an excellent place to turn for soccer injury treatment, sports rehabilitation, and more. Our team is led by board-certified specialists who also serve on the medical staffs of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and New York Yankees. As our patient, you can rest assured that your orthopedic health is in the very best of hands.

To schedule an appointment at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group, contact our friendly staff today at (813) 253-2406.