Worsening Shoulder Pain at Night: What Does it Mean?

There’s no shortage of things that can keep you up at night—stress from work, a lingering credit card bill, or embarrassing memories from middle school, just to name a few. But, if your shoulder pain seems to worsen at night and interferes with your ability to sleep, it probably isn’t just in your head. There are several shoulder conditions with symptoms that tend to become more intense in the evening.

What’s to Blame

If you have shoulder pain that gets worse at night, there’s a good chance that one of these common orthopedic conditions is to blame.


Many people with osteoarthritis—an extremely common condition characterized by the age-related degeneration of the cartilage that lines the joints—have trouble falling and staying asleep. Osteoarthritis commonly develops in the shoulder joint and may even affect younger adults who have wear-and-tear injuries.


The shoulder joint features a cushioning, fluid-filled pad called a bursa. Shoulder injuries can cause the bursa to become inflamed and swollen (bursitis). Laying on your side at night may place undue pressure on the bursa and exacerbate pain.

Rotator Cuff Conditions

A rotator cuff is a group of tendons that help secure the components of the shoulder joint. Conditions that affect the rotator cuff, such as tendinitis and tears, can make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) occurs when the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint thickens, causing pain and stiffness. These symptoms often become worse during periods of inactivity, such as when you’re trying to sleep.

Other factors that can contribute to shoulder pain at night are staying still for an extended period, sleeping in an awkward position, or using a poor-quality mattress or pillow. Experiencing stress throughout the day can also cause muscles to tense and disrupt your sleeping habits.

Of course, no website can diagnose your shoulder pain and provide you with the individualized treatment you need to find lasting relief. If you are experiencing joint pain that keeps you up at night or disrupts your day, be sure to speak with an orthopedic physician.

Our Approach to Shoulder Pain Treatment

Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group—a division of Florida Medical Clinic and the longest-running orthopedic practice in the Tampa area—offers a full spectrum of diagnostics and treatment options to patients with all types of shoulder conditions. Our team is led by orthopedic sports medicine surgeon Dr. Daniel Murphy and sports medicine physician Dr. Arnold Ramirez—two board-certified specialists who also serve on the medical staffs of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and New York Yankees.

Don’t allow a treatable shoulder condition to impact your sleep and overall quality of life. To schedule an appointment at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group, contact our friendly staff today or reserve an appointment online. Our center is conveniently located in South Tampa, accepts most major health insurance plans, and serves adolescent and adult patients.