PRP Injection For Knee Pain: Helpful Information for Tampa Residents  

PRP injection for knee pain is a viable treatment option for many patients. A form of regenerative medicine, PRP involves leveraging the natural restorative abilities of the patient’s own blood cells to promote new tissue growth and more comfortable movement in patients with arthritis, traumatic injury, and other knee conditions.

What does PRP injection entail?

PRP (platelet rich plasma) injection is a relatively simple and painless procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis. Here’s how it works:

  1. A small blood sample is taken from the patient.
  2. The blood sample is processed in a special machine to separate the growth factor-rich blood cells from other blood components.
  3. The growth factor-rich blood cells are then concentrated – sometimes with an anesthetic – and injected into the patient’s knee.

Most people can immediately return to their busy schedules following treatment. For some, mild discomfort may occur at the injection site. Because the patient’s own blood is used, PRP injection is considered to be a safe and natural treatment.

PRP treatment at Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group

If you are interested in learning more about PRP injection for knee pain and live in the Tampa area, visit Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group. The board-certified specialists at our center in South Tampa provide world-class care to patients with knee pain from a variety of sources. Whether you are struggling to cope with osteoarthritis or need to bounce back from a sports injury, our professionals can provide the individualized treatment you need and deserve.