What Are the Alternatives to Knee Replacement Surgery?

Knee replacement surgery can significantly improve quality of life for people with arthritis, traumatic knee injuries, and other musculoskeletal issues that severely impact joint function. In fact, knee replacement surgery is associated with very high success rates, and recent advancements in orthopedic surgery have reduced the invasiveness of this procedure. Nevertheless, the prospect of undergoing any surgery—particularly one that involves replacing a critical joint—is not exactly appealing.

Here’s the good news: Some individuals who are candidates for knee replacement surgery may be able to delay surgical intervention by exploring conservative alternatives to knee replacement. While surgery may eventually become necessary, exploring non-surgical treatments and making healthy lifestyle changes can help slow joint degeneration and provide relief from pain.

Common Knee Replacement Surgery Alternatives

It’s important to note that no two patients are alike, and the effectiveness of any treatment will vary on a case by case basis. Still, some patients have been able to reduce knee pain, increase mobility, and improve their quality of life by trying the following knee replacement alternatives:

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy

PRP therapy—or PRP injections—is a promising form of regenerative medicine. During treatment, growth factors from the patient’s own blood cells are concentrated and used to promote healing in damaged joints and tissues.

Hyaluronic acid injections

Also referred to as knee gel injections or viscosupplementation, hyaluronic acid injections involve administering hyaluronic acid (a cartilage protein) directly into the intra-articular joint space. This can help provide much-needed lubrication to arthritic knee joints, thereby reducing pain and promoting comfortable movement.

Physical therapy

Physical therapy involves a regimen of strategic exercises and conservative techniques that are designed to strengthen joints and improve mobility. It may also be used following surgery to facilitate recovery and restore joint function.

Lifestyle changes

Joint health can be influenced by a variety of lifestyle factors. Many people with knee pain or stiffness are able to improve their symptoms by making healthy choices and implementing good habits, like:

  • Losing excess weight
  • Engaging in regular low impact exercise (with a physician’s guidance)
  • Stretching frequently
  • Quitting smoking
  • Taking joint health supplements
  • Eating a nutritious diet

Our Approach to Knee Replacement Surgery

A division of Florida Medical Clinic, Tampa Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Group provides several progressive knee pain therapies that can be used to help delay or even avoid the need for knee replacement. Our team includes two board-certified experts—orthopedic sports medicine surgeon Dr. Daniel Murphy and sports medicine physician Dr. Arnold Ramirez—who work closely with patients to create highly personalized and effective treatment plans. In the event that surgery is necessary, Dr. Murphy utilizes the latest breakthroughs in surgical care when performing knee replacement to reduce incisions and achieve the best possible outcomes.

Meaningful relief from knee pain may be more achievable than you think! Contact Tampa Orthopaedic Clinic & Sports Medicine Group today to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic specialist on our team.